Digital cognitive assessments

CANTAB® assessments provide scientifically validated, highly sensitive, precise and objective measures of cognitive function, correlated to neural networks.

Keep your participants engaged with our simple and user-friendly tasks, whether in-clinic or at home. Our neuroscientists and consultants work with you to build a battery of CANTAB cognitive assessments that will best enable you to reach your study objectives.

Language independent, facilitating consistent cross-cultural research

Multiple task variants avoid floor and ceiling effects, allowing test difficulties to be adjusted for all ages and abilities

Practice effects are reduced with parallel modes and stimuli randomisation

More targeted to measure specific cognitive domains than pen and paper assessments, our digital cognitive assessments produce more data points and reduce noise, making them highly sensitive.

High sensitivity to pharmacological and environmental effects

Translational utility enables comparisons with preclinical findings

Reduce human error and variability with automated data capture and scoring

Automated test delivery removes variance for consistently high quality data

Validated to measure specific cognitive domains

Our cognitive function specific tests are calibrated to provide highly accurate data in-clinic on iPads or remotely using web-based testing.

Test across larger geographical areas with web-based testing

Collect sensitive cognitive data from a wide range of participants wherever they are located by administering our CANTAB cognitive assessments via web browser. Participants can complete their assessments on their own devices without the need for supervision.

Using this solution, you can securely collect valuable data from participants who otherwise may not be able to take part in in-clinic testing, maximising reach and creating a more inclusive and accessible study.

Data quality maintained with task adherence checks

Save time and make testing more convenient for participants and study teams

Clear on-screen and voice-over instructions with an easy-to-use interface

* Please note, this is a demo assessment only. No report will be generated.

A comprehensive solution

CANTAB Connect™ gives you the control to manage and deliver your battery of touchscreen and voice assessments, as well as fully customisable electronic questionnaires and scales.