Feedback and complaints

To help you as best we can, we have different processes for different concerns.

Report it

Tell us about an issue or concern that needs action from us. You can:

We will investigate your issue or complaint in line with our Customer Charter.

Provide feedback or make an enquiry

We'd love to hear from you! If you would like to provide feedback about our services please contact us or fill in our Online feedback form.

Make a complaint (Administrative Action Complaint)

Use this process if you are not satisfied with our service, a decision and/or a Council employee’s conduct.

We value feedback from our customers. We use your feedback to improve our delivery of products and services. If you are unhappy with something we have done, you can make an administrative action complaint.

The Local Government Act 2009 defines an administrative action complaint as a complaint made by an affected person about an administrative action of Council. An affected person is someone directly affected by an administrative action of Council.

An administrative action of Council includes:

How to make an administrative action complaint:

We’ll contact you within 5 business days to let you know we have received your complaint.

We’ll respond to your complaints within 25 business days with an outcome or to let you know that we need more time to investigate.

Your complaint will be reviewed and investigated by the manager of the area the complaint relates to or by a director.

What if I’m not happy about the response given to my administrative action complaint?

If you are unhappy with the response we give, you can request an internal review. To request an internal review, you should put your complaint in writing and state why the decision was wrong or how the assessment, investigation or decision was deficient. You can use provide this information by:

If you are unhappy with the internal review completed, you may refer the matter to the Queensland Ombudsman's Office. Please visit Queensland Government - It's OK to Complain for more information about your rights and how complaints are handled.

If you are unhappy with an internal review about a water related complaint, you may refer the matter to the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland.

Where do I get more information about administrative action complaints?

If you would like further information about making an administrative action complaint, please contact the Integrity and Information Program on 07 3412 3412 or email us at

To find more information about making an administrative action complaint, please visit Queensland Ombudsman.