Career Connect

Your CV or Resume is your key personal marketing document: the written representation of your ‘elevator pitch’ and your personal brand. It represents who you are, how you communicate and is often a first point of introduction for prospective employers. It is important to ensure you make the most of introducing yourself and your capabilities by creating a CV that is compelling and allows you to grab the attention of employers.

To develop a compelling ‘cut through’ CV it should:


Research the role and the company to tailor your CV to any specific requirements (for example, some accept only a 1 page CV). Using the same CV for every role without understanding the requirements could weaken your competitive standing.


Think of your audience. You are hoping to get your message across to someone who may have received hundreds of CVs. To maximise your impact you should clearly demonstrate elements of your strengths, your ‘elevator pitch’ and link it to the skills and qualities which the role identifies as important.

To develop a clear CV you should:


You want your CV to flow logically. A common format for a graduate CV is: