
Graduate students at UC Berkeley can pursue certificates in a variety of subjects. Certificate completion is indicated on UC Berkeley transcripts. Haas offers the Certificate in Sustainable Business, the Certificate in Business Analytics, and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Real Estate. There are a few other certificates offered by other Graduate Departments on campus.

The certificate in Sustainable Business responds to the growing need to empower new leaders with the capacity to lead the economic and social transition to a climate-resilient, low-carbon, and equitable future. The curriculum exposes students to the underlying complexities in energy and environmental markets and the inherent challenges of building sustainable growth within our current economic systems. Upon completion, students will be better equipped with the necessary frameworks and practical skills to imagine and implement more sustainable business models, management practices, and technologies. Domain-focused classes will allow students to go deeper into specific topics of interest.

The certificate in Business Analytics (CBA) responds to an escalating need for leaders who can translate data into business insights, and who are literate consumers of data science techniques. It is designed for MBA students aspiring to leadership roles involving business decision-making informed by data.

* All courses must be taken for a letter grade to count towards the certificate program.

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Real Estate (IGCRE) provides an academic structure for interdisciplinary training in real estate, including real estate investment, real estate law, and the role of real estate development in the built environment. As a cross-disciplinary certificate between Berkeley Law, the College of Environmental Design, and Haas, the IGCRE will give students the chance to see how disciplines interact in the context of real estate by taking classes at other schools.

Contact Thomas Chappelear: [email protected] .

Additional Certificate Opportunities