Science Magazine
for Kids (12+)

OYLA is a popular science magazine for young readers (12+) and their families. Every issue offers a look into world-changing discoveries, unsolved problems, and the surprising scientific principles behind everyday objects.

Well, here's our answer.

Why are we publishing yet another print magazine?

Reading vs watching

Reading is the most efficient way of learning new information. When we say "the most efficient," we don't necessarily mean the easiest or the fastest — we refer to how much information you absorb relative to the total content consumed. To understand this idea better, consider the following example. When you watch a video, you may feel like you understand its main argument perfectly well. But in most cases, you'll struggle to remember it later. This happens because you're passively consuming the video's content without making the conscious effort to integrate the information and create new knowledge. In other words, your attention is drawn to the words and images but not to the ideas they're supposed to represent. By contrast, the unique format of our magazine sparks the imagination and delivers complex ideas clearly, efficiently, and without any unnecessary distractions.

Paper vs iPad

What was the last thing you did on your phone? Was it checking your messenger or scrolling social media feeds? The constant flow of notifications and pop-ups train us to feel like we're constantly missing out on something important. In fact, there is an entire industry fighting for your attention via your gadget's screen, and it's probably winning. But there is a chance of resisting it! Our magazine is a learning space free of pop-ups and ads, and it doesn't have to be plugged in or recharged. You can take it anywhere you want, and it's yours for life.

OYLA vs others

Here are just a few things:
- No ads
- High-quality content
- Accessibility

You may think that these features on their own are nothing special, but we're offering the complete package: 100 pages of science knowledge, colorful graphics, and engaging activities with no ads or distractions.

And this is why we're publishing "another" print magazine — there's really nothing
like it!