Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy

The NSW Government recognises that government procurement presents opportunities for small and medium businesses (SMEs) to provide a diverse range of goods and services, while supporting local jobs and building skills, and remains committed to improving access to government business opportunities.

This document supersedes the earlier version of the SME and Regional Procurement Policy document dated 20 August 2020 and reflects recommendations made as a result of the SME and Regional Procurement Policy Review PDF, 2225.81 KB.

1.2 Policy objectives

The SME and Regional Procurement Policy aims to increase SME participation in procurement opportunities within the NSW Government and improve economic, ethical, environmental and social outcomes through a range of initiatives.

By 2023 expected outcomes are:

1.3 Application

The policy applies to the procurement of all goods and services (excluding construction), by a NSW Government agency, within the meaning of section 162 of the Public Works and Procurement Act 1912 (collectively referred to as ‘clusters’ or ‘agencies’ in this policy).

State-owned corporations, the Parliament of NSW and local councils are not covered by this policy. State-owned corporations are encouraged to adopt aspects of the SME and Regional Procurement Policy that are consistent with their corporate intent.

NSW Government agencies must apply the policy to all goods and services procurement activities commencing from 1 July 2021.

Expand all Guidance - policy application

In NSW, each government agency is responsible for their own procurement.

So while the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework sets out the policy and operating framework for the whole sector, agencies often have their own policies and procedures which must also be adhered to.

This policy must be read in conjunction with PBD 2023-03 Procurement Opportunities for Small (and medium) Enterprises which works in parallel with the SME and regional supplier exemption under the SME and Regional Procurement Policy. The SME and regional supplier exemption allows agencies to negotiate directly with and engage an SME or regional supplier to provide goods or services (excluding construction) valued up to $150,000. This will continue to support regional businesses while increasing the threshold for direct procurement with small (and medium) businesses from $150,000 to $250,000.

1.4 Definitions