Human Resources Department

Photos of County Employees at Work

Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, the Human Resources Department recruits, develops and retains a high performing and diverse workforce and fosters a healthy, safe, and productive work environment for employees, their families, departments, and the public in order to maximize individual and organizational potential and position San Mateo County as an employer of choice.

HR in a circle

Health Benefits Icon

magnifying glass with person

Employee Benefits Work with Us!
Employee Resources
Employee Benefits
Work with Us!

County Stars Award Logo

Supervisor Manager Resource Icon

Employee Engagement Circle

Tell your friends… “County of San Mateo is a GREAT place to work!” and you could be eligible to receive $1000!

Employee OR Team of the Month Nomination

County of San Mateo Employee Wellness Program Logo

Group Image of Interns

Jobs for Youth Website

connected employees


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Logo

County of San Mateo is committed to promoting diversity in addition to fostering equity, inclusion, respect, and appreciation across the entire workforce.