Simple Chaining Implementation of HashMap

I'm practicing writing my own simple version of a Java HashMap. I don't have much experience with generics in Java.

public class HashMap  < private class Entry < private K key; private V value; private Entry next; Entry(K key, V value) < this.key = key; this.value = value; >public K getKey() < return key; >public V getValue() < return value; >> private final static int TABLE_SIZE = 32; private Entry[] table; public HashMap() < table = new Entry[TABLE_SIZE]; >private int hash(K key) < return Math.abs(key.hashCode() % TABLE_SIZE); >public V get(K key) < int index = hash(key); Entry curr = table[index]; while (curr != null) < if (curr.getKey().equals(key)) < return (V) curr.getValue(); >curr =; > return null; > public V remove(K key) < int hash = hash(key); Entry curr = table[hash]; if (curr == null) < return null; >if (curr.getKey().equals(key)) < V temp = (V) curr.getValue(); table[hash] =; return temp; >while ( != null) < if ( < V temp = (V); =; return temp; >> return null; > public void put(K key, V value) < int hash = hash(key); Entry curr = table[hash]; if (curr == null) < table[hash(key)] = new Entry(key, value); >else < while ( != null) < curr =; > = new Entry(key, value); > > > 
fluffychaos asked Jul 31, 2016 at 22:42 fluffychaos fluffychaos 331 2 2 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges Commented Aug 1, 2016 at 1:34

3 Answers 3


Choose a better value for TABLE_SIZE :

You should specially avoid powers of 2 for this value in the division method. Why?

Because for TABLE_SIZE equal to the hash will simply be the p lowest-order bits. Is better to design a hash function that depends on all the bits of the key, so a prime number not too close to a power of 2 is generally a better choice.

Put method:

Your put method can be greatly simplified and also you could implement it so it doesn't depend on the load factor. By adding a constructor in Entry that also receives the next element you will have something like this:

public void put(K key, V value)

But you probably want to update the value if the key is already there :

 public void put(K key, V value) < Entry n = get(key); if(n != null) < n.value = value; >else < int hash = hash(key); table[hash] = new Entry(key, value, table[hash]); >>